Worthy Grand Matron
Debbie Owen
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road"
Worthy Grand Patron
Allen Hughes
Associate Grand Matron
Louise Taylor
Associate Grand Patron
Cutler Dillon
Grand Secretary
Kay Evans
Grand Treasurer
Norma P. Underwood
Grand Conductress
Ellen Brooks
Associate Grand Conductress
Betty Jo Yommer
Grand Chaplain
Mike Underwood
Grand Marshal
Gayle Dillon
Grand Organist
Nancy Greene
Grand Adah
Anita Harvey Taylor
Grand Ruth
Belkis Slazas
Grand Esther
Amy-Jo Fischer
Grand Martha
Della Sperlbaum
Grand Electa
Tabitha Wade Courtney
Grand Warder
Gale Love
Grand Sentinel
David Griffith
Grand Chapter of North Carolina Order of the Eastern Star