Worthy Grand Matron
Frances T. Southern
Rose #178
​"The Sweet Rose of Friendship" Session
Worthy Grand Patron
Rex A. Evans
​Lexington #98
Associate Grand Matron
Linda Hyatt
Goldenrod #142
Associate Grand Patron
Jim Tyson
Beaufort #128
Grand Secretary
Libby West
Grand Treasurer
Ellen Brooks
Bahama #203
Grand Conductress
Helen Lentz
Eureka $277
Associate Grand Conductress
Debbie Owen
Midland #260
Grand Chaplain
Walter R. Highsmith Jr.
Grand Marshal
Sandra "Sandy" Johnson
Grand Organist
Norma King Pettus
Grand Adah
Betsy Rhew
Grand Ruth
Susan Matney
Grand Esther
Doxiene C. Smith
Grand Martha
Norma P. Underwood
Grand Electa
Darlene Campbell Cox
Grand Warder
Sandra W. Hughes
Grand Sentinel
Don C. Staley
Grand Chapter of North Carolina Order of the Eastern Star